Education Advantage operates residential group homes for children. Our primary goals are to provide a safe, healthy, responsible and progressive environment for youth who, through no fault of their own, are in the foster care system. We want our residents to develop the skills to lead productive lives. We want them to feel community caring and support through our services. Based on our commitment to spirit, mind and body, our staff and program provide residential living services, behavior interventions, life management skill building, and opportunities to strengthen self-esteem and leadership skills through positive peer culture. We will advocate for and support strong partnerships with schools and medical providers.
The discomfort our children face daily is due to not having some sort of stability in life. As some of our children struggles with family disconnect, our program will teach them how to reconnect using an educational approach. We honor the sacrifices that our Case Managers have made to work with the families and understand that they can’t take the children home with them. However, we’re here to continue the level of sincerity and dignity to serve our community. Within our program we will provide all of our children a safe haven for a prosperous and productive future.
We focus on services that stimulate measurable change based on individual needs as determined through initial and ongoing assessment. The individual plan for each youth includes activities that meet the resident’s normal dependency and developmental needs, focusing on their safety, permanency and well- being. The child welfare case plan and mental health treatment plan include planning for the resident’s care, education, health, counseling, mental health needs, religious practices of their choice, community interaction, family and cultural connections, and permanency goal. Through this holistic approach, we can celebrate with the resident as they begin to realize their potential.